
For every degree the body temperature is raised, the body has 10 times more germ-killing capacity. This is a very useful treatment for most infections. (Your doctor may prescribe it for other purposes as well.) It is best to do at night before bed, but can be done anytime.

  1. Fill bath tub with water as hot as tolerable without burning your skin. Submerge body up to shoulders–stay in as long as you can tolerate the heat (at least 5 minutes). You should begin sweating. Do not stay longer than 10 min. Get out once sweating. If you feel dizzy, you may use a cold washcloth on your head. Drink 12 oz. hot ginger tea and take 2000 mg Vitamin C (optional).
  2. Caution: Upon standing you may feel light-headed, be sure to hold onto a handrail or tub when standing up.
  3. Towel off quickly, put on sweat clothes or PJ’s, a hat and wool socks. *Warming socks variation: soak thin cotton socks in COLD water, wring out so not dripping and put on feet. Put dry, thick wool socks over top. This reduces congestion from head and chest. Socks should be dry by morning.
  4. Set alarm clock for 1 hour.
  5. Place a hot water bottle over your right rib cage and abdomen area. (Optional)
  6. Get into bed and cover self with covers, blankets or sleeping bag–lie quietly for 1 hour and sweat (and sleep if possible).
  7. After 1 hour–get up, towel off, being careful to not catch a chill.Get into warm, dry clothes. (If not wet, can sleep through).
  8. Rest and sleep.