This is part 2 of our first post about Cholesterol Lowering Tips.


Thirty minutes of aerobic exercise three or four times a week may be all you need to raise the level of beneficial HDL (good cholesterol) in your bloodstream. Working out also helps control weight, lower blood pressure,and reduce stress. Suggestions for aerobic exercise are brisk walking,running, swimming, cycling, dancing, jumping rope, tennis, skating, and aerobic classes.Measure the intensity of your exercise. The recommendation for a “training heart rate” is 60-80% of your maximum heart rate (the fastest your heart can beat in one minute). Figure your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age in years from 220. Multiply the result by 0.6 and 0.8 to get the high and low values of your target zone for aerobic training.

Example: 45 years old

220–45 = 175 (maximum heart rate)

175 X 0.6 = 105 (bottom of heart rate range)

175 X 0.8 = 140 (top of heart rate range)

Goal is to keep your heart rate between 105–140 beats per minute for at least 15–60 minutes. Do this 3-5 times/week. Don’t forget to stretch before and exercise to warm up, cool down, and prevent injury

More Strategies to Get Cholesterol Down
  • Eat plenty of garlic and onion, both of which help lower cholesterol
  • Restrict smoking
  • Herbal and nutrient supplements: guggalipid, garlic, niacin, fish oil, vitamin E, vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, etc….(please consult with your doctor for appropriate dosage of these supplements)
  • Avoid all fried, fatty, and greasy foods—including fried eggs and gravy
  • Avoid carbonated and alcoholic beverages
  • Avoid all refined carbohydrates, including cakes, candies, pies, and other sweets
  • Avoid high consumption of nuts and seeds (roasted or cooked in oil)
  • Avoid coffee, tea, cocoa, or chocolate drinks
  • Avoid all hard fats (hydrogenated oils): margarine, lard, shortening, Crisco, hard cooking fats, butter
  • Do annual or semi-annual liver metabolic detoxification to enable the liver to clear excess cholesterol and produce the right balance of good and bad cholesterol in blood
  • Increase the liver foods such as artichokes, beets, carrots, garlic, cumin, curry, and dark green leafy vegetables