Many types of stress, when severe enough and of long duration, can result in adrenal exhaustion – a major malfunction in the energy producing systems of the body. It can occur at any age and in both sexes.
While under stress, the body enters a primitive “fight or flight” response that releases the adrenal hormone cortisol. Cortisol re-arranges the resources of the body differently than if the body was at rest. It causes vasoconstriction of all the peripheral blood vessels so that your blood goes to your most vital organs as well as the large muscles of the body. Over time, the response becomes over-used and may result in the following symptoms:
- Short term memory loss
- Visual disturbances, blurry vision
- Poor digestion and elimination problems
- Temperature disregulation
- Low blood pressure, dizziness and orthostatic hypotension
- Taste interference
- Immune malfunction, leading to frequent infections or chronic infections
- Reduced work performance and motivation, feeling ‘brain-fog’
- Hair loss
- Inability to cope with daily stressors
- Insomnia
- Depression
- Hypoglycemia
- Attraction to stimulants and sweets
Adrenal exhaustion affects people differently; it depends on the person affected and on the severity and duration of stress. Some persons experience an excess of adrenal hormone output and require calming treatments, while others have a low level of adrenal output and benefit from stimulating and strengthening treatments. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, consult your Naturopathic Doctor for treatment options and lifestyle support.