The castor bean (Oleum ricini), also known as Palma Christi due to its shape and healing properties, is known principally as a cathartic (strong laxative when taken internally). A gentler use is in the form of a pack placed over the abdomen, usually with heat applied. The oil is absorbed into the lymphatic circulation to provide a soothing, cleansing, nutritive treatment, which stimulates immune function via the lymphatic system and tonifies internal organs.
Castor oil is an anti-inflammatory agent and has analgesic properties. It can be used for many situations such as:
- General detoxification
- Liver and/or lymphatic congestion with poor elimination
- Inflammation, pain and/or infection, including arthritis
- Uterine fibroids, non-malignant ovarian cysts, or prostate issues
- Colitis, constipation, diarrhea, gallbladder inflammation and stones
A castor pack is relaxing to the nervous and lymphatic systems, and therefore is indicated before sleep. Including a castor pack into a night-time routine is a good way to gain and maintain optimal health. Use with caution in pregnancy or during menstruation as it may create additional bleeding. Here is how you can apply your own castor oil pack at home.
Equipment Needed:
- Flannel or Wool Cloth
- Hot Water Bottle or Heating Pad
- Plastic Wrap
- 8-16 ounces of castor oil
- Old towel
- Fold ½“ thickness of flannel cloth, about 10″ x 12″ for abdominal applications.
- Pour castor oil onto the cloth so that the entirety is moist, but not dripping. More oil will be needed after a few days for a couple of weeks until flannel is fully soaked.
- Heat castor oil pack in oven on cookie sheet at a low temperature. You want the cloth to be as hot as possible without burning your skin and/or the cloth while in oven.
- Place an old towel over the surface on which you will be laying to prevent soiling linens.
- Place castor pack over treatment area, then place plastic wrap over the castor oil pack to prevent soiling clothing or sheets.
- Place heating pad or hot water bottle on top. You can wrap the towel under you around the castor pack and water bottle for a “tucked in” feeling.
- Ideally, lie on your back with your feet elevated for 45-60 minutes. While the pack is in place is a great time for visualization, meditation, or relaxation breathing.
- After treatment, rub skin with a towel and allow the excess oil to be absorbed. There should only be a VERY thin layer of oil on your skin after the treatment. Alternately, wearing an old t-shirt to bed will protect bed linens from oil stains.
- Castor oil pack may be kept in a plastic container or zip lock bag until it starts to discolor (several months).
For maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to apply the pack as often as possible. Try for at least 4 consecutive days per week for at least 4-6 weeks. Patients who use the pack daily will receive the most beneficial effects. Once the pack has been used and its’ effectiveness felt, most patients will continue to use the pack on a regular basis for many years. It’s always recommended to consult your doctor before applying new treatments.